
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

14 Week Bumpdate: Edwards #2

Still no picture of the bump.  I promise that is coming.  With moving in the heat and just being plain exhausted, it is crazy how little energy I have to pose for a bump picture.

I am in my 14th week and I am blown away how fast the first trimester flew by.  I am so close to the half way mark I can just taste it.

Here is what has been going on during week 14.

How far along? 14 Weeks

Baby's Size: An avocado which seems pretty small for week 14
Gender: Coming Soon!  We find out Tuesday what this little peanut is.  I am saying Boy because I feel like I have had the same pregnancy so far as with Griffin.  Husband thinks Girl, which I would love. 
Weight Gain: At my appointment last week I was actually down 3 pounds.  No complaining here.  I have been sick and the amount I can take in at one time is very small compared to pre-pregnancy.
Baby's Movement: It is crazy to me, but I think that I do feel flutters every now and then.  I didn't feel movement from Griffin until I was about 24 weeks because he was positioned behind my placenta.  I've heard that the second go around Mama's can feel movement sooner because they now know what to expect and know that they feel like.  Either way, I am loving it.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants, YES!  I am still wearing all my regular shirts and I am hoping those hang out a bit longer before I have to purchase maternity ones.
Sleep: Sleep has been amazing this week.  We moved over the weekend and I am just so tired from that that I have been sleeping like a rock.  I have been in bed asleep by 8 or 9 at the latest. Feels so good to get a fun nights rest.
Symptoms: Heartburn has been in full effect.  When I get it I feel it more in my back than in my chest, but it's nothing some TUMS can't fix.  The fatigue has kicked up a notch this week, but again I am blaming that on moving.
Cravings: No cravings.  The food aversions are still in high force right now. 
Miss Anything? Nothing I can think of.
Best Moment This Week: We were riding in the car this week and I just started saying "Baby, Baby, Baby."  Out of the blue Griffin starts mimicking me and says it.  I know that he has no clue what is going on, but I know he is going to be a great big brother.
Worst Moment This Week: The exhaustion.

Looking Forward To: Our gender scan next week!  I am so ready to call the baby by it's name.
How's Husband? Amazing!  Not only has he been knocking items off our punch list for the house, but he is the main one taking care of Griffin in the evenings for me.  The extra time allows me to rest on the couch or take a good long bath, which is must needed.  Thanks babe!
Happy Hump Day!


  1. I bet you can't wait to find out what little one #2 is! Such an exciting time! :)

  2. Aw, so exciting that you find out the gender next week! Hope you continue to get good sleep and rest while you wait :)
