
Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Happy Friday friends.  Not only Friday, but Good Friday.  I absolutely love this time of year.  I love what it represents and everything starts to come in blooms.  Love it!  Let's get on with our 5 on Friday.

This is a special one.  Monroe and Katie have had a long journey with infertility.  For many years they have tried to start their family.  Katie even helped me find my fertility doctor that helped Luke and I get pregnant.  They went through several rounds of IUI and IVF with no positive outcome.  Well friends, yesterday they were able to transfer two beautiful embryos into their surrogate.  It is so amazing how God has had his hands in all of this the entire time.  If you wouldn't mind sending some prayers and good thoughts to them while they are in their "two week wait".  Feel free to go and visit their go fun me page as well to get more of their story. I am so happy to call them family.


Easter weekend is here and I love it.  It is sad that this is Griffin's last first holiday before he turns a year old.  I had so much fun picking out his basket and filling it with a few goodies.


We have had some of the best weather lately.  All of our afternoons have been spent outside and the new house.  Luke is always out there so I just go pick up the boy and we spend our time there. This kid loves being outside.


Griffin's playroom

In house news, cabinets have been delivered.  That is a huge step in transforming our house and really being able to see the final product in site.  All the doors and beams have been stained and painting has started.  There is still a good bit that needs to be done but I have started packing in hopes of moving in sooner than later.


Birthday planning is still going strong.  I am looking forward to sharing it with y'all after his party and being able to share some awesome Etsy shops I've been working with.  Here is a little inspiration for his birthday cake.  I want something plain and simple. 


  1. What a fabulous birthday cake!

    Wishing you a blessed Easter!

  2. Love the play room.. It is turning out so good!! Love the easter basket so cute ;)
    Happy Friday
    Chelsea @

  3. Love the doors in Griffin's play room! Absolutely beautiful!
