
Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekends Around Here

This past weekend was just one for the books.  It was the kind of weekend that you didn't do much but you were also never home.  Luke wasn't able to participate too much (more on that later) but it was still a great weekend and a lot of it was spent outside.

We are weeks from moving into the house and a month away from Griffin's 1st birthday party.  We are trying so hard to not only get in the house by his birthday but also have everything d.o.n.e.  We may be crazy but fingers crossed we can make everything work out.  If not, tents will be up in the yard and we will still party. Hard.

Speaking of the house, Luke has been working so hard on everything. He spent the entire weekend at the house planting trees.  We now have 60 gorgeous trees and they will serve as a great perimeter with the busy road we have out front.  We also had painters there all weekend, painting and staining.  Griffin also had a little ride with Papa.  I am sure this isn't his last time on a tractor with him.

Clearly, Dada and Mama will do anything to get his attention for a picture.
Saturday morning, Ma'amaw met up with Griffin and I and we headed out for an early breakfast.  We stopped by a town favorite, Eggs Up Grill, and stuffed ourselves till we rolled out.  I use to go to Eggs Up Grill every time we vacationed near the beach and it was wonderful.  Now that we have one in town, I'm sure it will become a regular Saturday breakfast hangout.

After breakfast Ma'amaw had the idea that we go and visit a "certain bunny" since Easter is just around the corner.  Griffin was a little unsure of floppy ears but at least we didn't get a screaming baby picture.

After talking with some of the workers at the Bunny Station, I was able to get some info on our favorite Rosey Cheeked guy and I am already looking forward to Christmas.  Needless to say, I am planning something!

We spent some time looking for some outfits for Griffin's 1 year pictures too.  Don't you just love those suspenders?

Later on Saturday, we went to a book signing of one of my parents' dear friends.  It is an amazing book about his life and how God provided a path for his business as well as life. 

The rest of the day was spent outside.  I don't think this kid loves anything more than a ball and being outside.  He is still getting use to how grass feels on his feet and hands.  Now that he is a walker we are enjoying before outside more and more. 

Sunday, Griffin and I headed to church with Ma'amaw since Dada was out working again.  We had a great lunch, spent some time outside and took a great Sunday nap.

Easter is less than a week away and I really am looking forward to spending all weekend with my whole family...Dada included.

1 comment:

  1. what a great weekend! he looks so big standing and walking around all by himself! we have those textured balls too and Lawter LOVES them! So close to getting in your house, yayy!
