
Friday, March 6, 2015

Let the Weekend Start

Another Fri-Yay, another Friday favorites post!  Let's just jump right in.

Book reading has been at an all time high in this house.  From the moment Griffin wakes up, he hits the ground running and does not stop until bed time.  Because he is so active and wants to go go go, night time is the only time that he will sit still after his bottle and read a book.  He is real into turning the pages right now and closing the book.  He gets the biggest kick out of it.

My Daddy's last surviving sibling passed away last week.  Mom and I drove to Virginia for her memorial and this picture was there.  My dad is the one holding my brother and the rest are his siblings.  They were all honestly the best people.  They had some of the best personalities and boy could they ALL cook!  They defiantly don't make people like this generation anymore.


One big thing I love about the ol' IG is the shops you are able to get to know that otherwise you wouldn't know about. I found bowsandburlap and I love her etsy shop.  I think this pillow is a must for Griffin's new playroom.


In house news, things are still moving along.  The hardwood floors are going in and the painters will start Monday.  Our cabinets are moving right along as well.  The color we picked is Cream by Sherwin Williams with a caramel glaze.


Speaking of the house, I think we finalized our lights this week.  We have a lot of can lighting throughout the entire house but some specialty lighting is needed too.  We picked these Ketchler
pendant lights for our kitchen to hang over the island.  I love the Edison lightbulbs.

Happy Weekend!

Linking up with the Five on Friday ladies:
Lauren Elizabeth for High Five Friday
Jennie for Friday Favorites
Rebecca for That Friday Blog Hop
Leslie for Confessional Friday
Amy for Oh hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favorites


  1. Love these choices for the house! My mini loves to read books and will bring them to us I love it :) Happy Friday

  2. That pillow is adorable! Sorry to hear about your family's loss : ( House things are always fun! Happy weekend!

  3. I love seeing people read to their children. It bothers me when you walk into a nursery and there are no books. Such a sweet picture and tradition.
