
Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday, I've been waiting for you since Monday.

Another Friday, another Friday post.  Lets not waste another minute and hope right into things.


Time change.  Ugh, has anyone else been dealing with this all week?  I honestly cant remember the time change bothering me as much as it has this time.  I need sleep and energy and I have had none this week.  I have already planned a lovely Saturday nap with a possible Sunday nap too.  Priorities you know?

The Bachelor.  This is the first season in years that I have watched it from start to finish.  I usually watch the first few weeks of a new season and then the finale, but this season was one of the best!  I loved a good many of the girls and Britt was a runner for me from night one.  Whitney was a stand out to me as well because, hello fertility nurse.  Yes!  Chris was a great bachelor.  Way better than Juan Pablo, thank goodness.  As I'm sure you all know, Chris let Becca go and chose Whitney for his forever.  Becca handled it with such class and dignity and I applaud her for staying true to herself and not just saying that she loved him for the show. 


White noise.  I have been using the White Noise App for a little over a year and I honestly have never slept so good in my life with it.  When Luke and I first got married he would have a box fan running in the bedroom for the noise factor.  I hated it.  I could never sleep with it on and wanted it gone ASAP.  Then I got used to it...then he decided he didn't want to have it running because it was making him wake up with a sore throat. Now I had to relearn how to sleep in quiet.  Nope, not for me anymore.  Some family told me about the White Noise app and I could not sleep without it.  Griffin even sleeps with it running in his room too.  Try it out if you have never used it before. Our favorite noise is the "box fan" noise. Ha!


My boy.  He seriously changes everyday and he has been doing some of the funniest things.  Sine he was born he has always crossed his ankles.  He can be reading a book, drinking his milk, eating his dinner, or even playing, those ankles are always crossed.  We have had some nice days and we have tried to spend them outside after dinner.  We were letting him walk around the property and he would fall and automatically do this pose.  He hated the way the grass felt on his hands and legs.  He was a quick reactor to the grass too.  Funny little guy.


Speaking of my little guy, his 1st birthday is quickly approaching.  I saw this pin on Pinterest and love it.  There is something about it just being a mother/son photo and I love it!

Happy weekend friends!

Linking up with the Five on Friday ladies:
Lauren Elizabeth for High Five Friday
Jennie for Friday Favorites
Rebecca for That Friday Blog Hop
Leslie for Confessional Friday
Amy for Oh hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favorites


  1. We love the White Noise app. We've been using the same one since the kids were little. We just transistion away from using it all the time, but it's great for nights when we have noisy friends over or the kids are spending the night somewhere unfamiliar.

    Our Little Miracles

  2. I'm going to have to check out the white noise app! I've slept with my fan on for years and its just been too cold lately!
