
Monday, February 16, 2015

Infertility Journey: Kailey's Story

Happy Monday!  Who is enjoying sunshine and 60 degree weather?  I want to come where you are!  We are expecting snow and ice a little later this afternoon, but no worries, I already stocked up on my Milk and Bread. Ha!
Today I have a sweet friend, Kailey sharing her story. Her blog is getting a facelift right now so I don't have a link back to her blog.  However, when her blog is up and running again, I'll be sure to come back and share with yall.  I am so excited for her and the new "stuff" she has coming up on her blog.
Here is Kailey's story.
Sweet friends, I am beyond honored to share a beautifully written story that only our amazing God could orchestrate. My husband and I never thought that we would face the decisions, procedures, and failures we have over the last six years, but God did. He knew from the very beginning of time that this would be our story, this would be how He got the glory He deserves.

Both of us wanted to be parents, but definitely disagreed on the timing of it all. We agreed while we were engaged we would wait five years to start our family. Ha! Well, as most of you women know, as soon as you get married the expectation and longing to become a mommy becomes almost allconsuming. It certainly did for me. I was on birth control for three months before we were married and then about three months after we were married we decided that it was not the best route for us. Long story short… that stuff made my crazy. Like really crazy. And so it began. I was convinced every single month that I was pregnant. I wasn’t. We continued to hope every month that I was expecting a little sweet one, but every month the test was negative. At beginning of 2010, we figured we should go to the doctor to see if something was wrong. After about two years of surgery, procedures, crying, screaming, throwing of things, and wondering why this wasn’t happened… I took matters into my own hands.

It was time for us to have a baby and I wanted to know what I needed to do. My doctor said that the next step would be to refer us to a specialist and he would probably suggest an IUI with clomid. Well, that’s what we did and for the next three months, I progressively got more overweight than ever and more depressed than ever. And I did not become pregnant.

All of those meds, appointments, and taking things into my own hands...just didn’t make it happen. I had spent all that time trying to get what I wanted and I ended up getting the furthest thing than what I wanted. I got Plan A.

At the end of April 2013, I was at the end of this road. At the end of taking things into my hands and making things happen. Making things happen the way I wanted them to happen. One of the most pivotal moments in our journey is the conversation I had with my mom, Sherry. I was not going to church, I did not want to be around anyone, I did not care about anything except getting pregnant. My mother has always had the tough conversations with me, but this one beats them all. She said she had been praying and didn’t want to have this conversation, but she knew she had to. She let me know that this was not living. She knew I was going to be upset and I was upset. But, I knew she was right. She was beyond right. It was that conversation got me out of the pit I had been digging for months.

The next week I started a weight loss program and began spending some major time with Jesus. I realized that God had another plan. The best plan and it wasn’t one I had written. He was calling me to chase Him and live the story He had written even before I was born. And adoption was going to be a part of the story.

Adoption had been on my heart since 2005, but not on my husband’s. The night he asked me to marry him, I remember telling him that I needed him to be okay with adoption before I said yes. He said that if we couldn’t have our own kids, then we could adopt. Fast-forward six years later, and still no children and no reason why. There’s nothing wrong with us. We wanted to be told our Plan A wasn’t going to happen so we could go to God’s Plan A. But God. He knew that we needed grow in Him to live the life that He has for us. This was how He was going to do it.

Over the next three months we prayed separately about what the Lord has for our family, adoption or not. I had already begun researching because my heart was sure. My husband was not sure and he needed time. But, in August, while laying in bed, he looked over at me and said, “So about adoption. I’m ready.” Cue, crying and laughing and crying some more. I was thrilled about this new adventure. This adventure the Lord had lead us to and there was no doubt that He was right there with us.

After one year of waiting in the adoption process, we were matched with our birthmother in December 2014. Our baby, Evangelyn Rose, is due in May! We are thrilled that this was Plan A! Evie Rose will be loved more than she can even handle.

Thank you so much for reading. I am truly grateful for our story. Every single detail.

Much love,

If you would like to share your journey here on RSG, feel free to send me an email and we can chat!


  1. I am so sorry for all the heartache you have gone through but it is up to GOD and I am so excited for you guys.. I can't wait to see pics of this sweet baby that will be all yours. God has a plan for everyone and you have to trust in him.. Love ya girl
    Chelsea @

  2. awe- what a powerful post! love the announcement so much and SO exciting!!!

  3. So extremely happy for you! It is amazing the work that God does through us when we are READY! :)

    The Mrs. &Co.

  4. Beautiful post! It's hard to realize that your plan isn't always God's plan. I still have to remind myself of that from time to time. Congratulations on being paired with a birth mom!

    Our Little Miracles
