
Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Favorties + Oh Hey, Friday

And just like that, it's 2015!  I hope each and everyone of you had a great New Years and an even better 2015. 
Let's get on with our Friday Favorites.
This honest organic healing balm has been a life saver.  With all the drooling that my little guy is doing and the food that gets on his cheeks his skin has become very irritated.  We lather this stuff all over him a few times day and it soothes and calms his skin.  If you don't have this, I recommend trying it out.  I've even started using it on my sensitive skin.
These bar chairs are calling my name.  I love the wood work and the fabric is right up my ally.  You can follow (cedarhillfarmhouse) on Instagram to look through more of her stuff.  It's amazing.
Oh this kid.  I am going to have to start Olympic training and fast!  It is a whole new ball game once he started crawling.  Lord help me when he starts walking.  He will always be one of my favorites!

Pipsquigz.  Also known as a lifesaver when you go to a restaurant or anywhere outside of your own home.  Griffin got these for Christmas and we have already put them to use several times.  It honestly keeps his attention and it is a perfect sensory toy.  If you have a little one search for these because they will not disappoint.

We completed #Griffins25dayofChristmas and it was so much fun to get ready for Christmas.  He looks like he has changed so much from Day 1 to Day 25.  If you want to see the entire months, check this post.

Linking up with the Five on Friday ladies:
Lauren Elizabeth for High Five Friday
Jennie for Friday Favorites
Rebecca for That Friday Blog Hop
Leslie for Confessional Friday
Amy for Oh hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favorites


  1. That healing balm is going to the top of my list to get when baby arrives. I love recommendations. I'm with you about those chairs. Beautiful!

  2. This is the second time today I have see the Pipsquigs! I'm definitely going to need these (and the lotion) when I have a kid!
    -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation

  3. I have been curious about the Honest company! Those bar stools are gorgeous and your little one is adorable! Those Christmas pictures are so cute!

  4. Ok so we're also having some skin issues with Lawter's face (cheek/chin area) and that's all I can think of, is that it's irritated from drool/wiping/being chapped! I've been putting a little aveeno baby lotion on it and it's been doing ok, but I'm pretty sure I have a little sample tube of the Honest balm in her medicine/bath stuff- will be looking for that immediately! thanks for the rec!
