
Monday, January 12, 2015

Infertility Journey: Elena

Happy Monday friends!

As most of you know, I struggled with infertility before I finally got pregnant with Griffin.  This subject is very near to my heart because I found that infertility was something that was almost taboo and never talked about.  When I was diagnosed with infertility  I looked for other bloggers who were dealing with the same things I and looked for a community to be apart of.  I found some awesome blogs and some wonderful women who I could relate to.  The next couple Monday's I will have some guest bloggers here talking about their stories.  If you are wanting to share your infertility story, feel free to email me and we can chat.


 Here is Elena's story.

Hello Raising Southern Grace readers!  I have to take a minute to thank Sydney for this awesome opportunity to guest blog for her and the opportunity to share my story.  If you’re not familiar with my blog, Baby Ridley Bump, then it’s nice to meet you!  My name is Elena, I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years now, but my blog has really taken off in the last year.  Blogging has been an amazing outlet for me and has introduced me to some truly amazing women.  I had no idea the community I would belong to as a blogger would be so rewarding. 
When I started BRB I was laid up at home after a motorcycle accident that left me with 5 broken bones in my leg all the way from my toes, my ankle, my knee, and my hip, basically my entire leg was out of commission.  My husband walked away with 6 stitches!  I now have 2 screws in my knee after a major surgery and a lot of physical therapy.  The accident happened on April 1, 2012, about 6 months we got married.  Our wedding was September 24, 2011 and we quickly started trying for babies the following month.  I had been off birth control since June.  When I was laid up after the accident I found Little Baby Garvin and was immediately inspired by her to start my own blog of pregnancy and parenting.  Little did I know that almost 3 years later I would still be blogging about trying to get pregnant and the infertility battle that we have been fighting.
Did you know that 1 in 8 couples are infertile?  I had no idea it was that common.  After trying for about a year in August 2012 my gyno (she’s a nurse mid-wife) suggested we continue to try, but also that we might want to schedule anovulation blood work (to check for ovulation) followed by an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) and SA (semen analysis). The anovulation test came back that I was ovulating on my own.  During the HSG they insert a catheter and feed a dye into your fallopian tubes to make sure that they aren’t blocked by scar tissue.  Results of my HSG came back all clear with no blockage.  My husband’s SA came back with perfect results as well.  We were at a loss because everything seemed to be functioning as it should, but we continued to try despite not having any answers.  
Another year had passed and in August of 2013 my gyno told me I should make an appointment with one of the certified OBGYNs in the office to talk about treatment options, remember, my doctor is a nurse mid-wife and cannot treat infertility.  I made an appointment with one of the other doctors in the office and was devastated when I left.  She questioned why I was there and I told her to be put on Clomid for infertility treatment, her response? “You’re already ovulating on your own so why would you go on Clomid?”  She basically told me that she would refer me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist and there was nothing she could do for me.
I saw Dr. G in October of 2013 and he had me in for a laparoscopy a week later, he found some very very mild endometriosis.  I had my first IUI a few weeks later with Clomid to boost ovulation, it was negative.  We decided to jump right into injectable medications and I did my second IUI in December.  After waiting 2 weeks I got the results, a POSITIVE!  It was a low positive though at a 20 and I would have to go back every 48 hours & the number would have to double in order to be considered viable.  Unfortunately on the 3rd beta, the number dropped and I miscarried. 
Since then I have had 3 IVF cycles, all of which have failed.  It has been a very frustrating road for us, but I continue to try to keep a positive outlook and attitude because if I don’t, I will never beat this.  We decided to seek a second opinion and have an appointment on January 20th with a new RE. We have high hopes that he will be able to provide us with some reasons as to why we cannot get pregnant.  At this point my diagnosis is unexplained which is even more frustrating. 
What I like to portray to all of my readers, whether infertile or not, is first and foremost, a positive attitude really does work wonders and really is necessary.  It isn't always easy, but it's a pivotal part of success.  Secondly, how common infertility is and how important is to spread the word about education, when to seek treatment, and how to support one another or how to support someone you know who is infertile.  Did you know the worst thing you can say to someone who is trying to get pregnant is “just relax”… instead, say “how can I support you and be there for you”.  Having an amazing support system is a big piece of the puzzle of infertility and social media is a great place to find additional support whether it be infertility blogs, forums like Fertile Thoughts, or lots of other women who are TTC on Instagram, it’s out there and it is amazing! 
Lastly, if you feel like you might be dealing with infertility or you know you are you’re looking for support or have questions; I am always available via email ( or through Instagram.  I am open and willing to share basically anything and if I’m not sure about something, I can certainly try to lead you to someone who can help.  Don’t be afraid to share your stories and your struggles, it WILL inspire someone!

Thanks so much, Elena for guest posting for me today.  Your strength is amazing and we will certainly be lifting you up in prayer on the 20th!  Be sure to head over to her blog and say hi!
Again, if you are waiting to share your story feel free to email me at {}


  1. thanks for sharing :) I love following your blog Elena - you're one of the strongest people i've ever met and your positive attitude is so inspiring. Hope you hear good news or at least helpful news on the 20th!
