
Monday, December 15, 2014

Stocking Stuffers Guide-10 Days till Christmas!

Do you feel like you are in a Holidaze during this time of year?  I feel like everything goes so quickly and before you know it, boom, another year has pasted.  I get in a #Holidaze trying to figure out what gifts to buy.  Here is a little gift guide for your baby's first Christmas stocking to hopefully make your gift giving for you little a little easier this year.
I've said it before and I know I will say it 100 times more.  But holidays are so much fun since becoming a family of three.  We've enjoyed Halloween and Thanksgiving, but I am really looking forward to enjoying my favorite holiday with my son. 
I am not going "all out" for Griffin this Christmas.  He honestly does not need a thing, plus I am pretty sure he will be getting some goodies from other family members this year.  While we will be gifting for him this year, we are keeping it small.
One of my most favorite things is doing our stocking stuffers.  Growing up, my mom was in charge of stuffing the stockings full of goodies and it was honestly my favorite part of Christmas morning.  Since being married, I have started doing the stockings for Luke and myself and I am looking forward to stuffing one for Griffin.
First of all, we will have new stockings to stuff this year!  I purchased these monogrammed stockings from West Elm and I am excited about having three of them!
What are some of your must haves for stocking stuffers?  Since it is my first year with Griffin, I thought it would be fun to share some items that may find their way into his stocking.
//one// Jellycat Cow.  We have the jellycat elephant and I love it, so I am excited to squish this little guy in his stocking.

//two// Plum Organics.  Just some fun food on the go.  He has never had these so maybe it will become a little treat for him.

//three//  Moose Wubanubb Paci.  It is called a Reindeer online, but it can easily be passed as a Moose.  I love the little plaid feet and ears.  Griffin has the elephant and the cow, but we can always use another one of these.

//four// I saw this Road Masking Tape years ago and I thought it was such a cool idea.  Griffin has 3 cars right now and he has started figuring out that you can roll them back and forth.  The tape may be a little premature right now, but why not go ahead and get it.  It is an easy travel item too.  Just add some cars and go!

//five// This a great take and go item too.  Griff loves music and he would really love to be able to roll those beads on the end with his fingers.  The flashing lights are a plus!

//six//  As of now, Griffin has 2 teeth.  I have a little finger brush that I brush his teeth with but I want him to hold it himself to chew on it.  This allows him to put it in his mouth himself but not too far back.

//seven// Just being real.  Griffin loves food.  He hasn't had these little puffs yet, so again a fun new treat to try at Christmas. I do like that these help encourage self feeding.

10 Days till Christmas!! 


  1. So pinning these ideas for next year when the babes are here! I LOVE that road tape. Such a clever idea!

  2. The road tape is fantasctic! I can see turning the kitchen floor into an entire city to drive cars around on.

  3. No babies here yet but definitely keeping this list in mind for my expecting sister-in-law! Enjoy your first Christmas as a family of three!!

  4. Definitely stealing a couple of these ideas for our little nephews - thank you!! And 10 days?! Ahhh slow down time!

  5. Great list- we have many of the same items on ours!!

  6. This list is awesome! I loved the raindeer/moose Wubanubb Paci so much that I just order one for my friend's new little bundle of joy.
