
Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Pajama Party [A Linkup]

Happy Monday before Christmas!!

Are you tired of the Christmas and Holiday posts yet?  No?! Good, because I have another one for you today!

I'm Linking up with Darci,Natasha, Ashley, Jenny and Julie for a fun virtual Christmas Pajama Party! If you decide to link back to your post via Instagram, but sure to use the #HollyJollyPjParty hashtag.

Amber Teething Necklace//Aviator Cranial Band

Red Rocker// Moose PJ's similar here

Sometimes Mama forgets to take the flash off and we get this.  Every.single.time.

Right when we found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted some personalized PJ's for our new addition.  The thought of an "open hiney" pj's were just too cute not to get.  

Looking at my tush?
I bought these months in advanced, so he was busting out like a can of biscuits in these and you can see every nook in his little arms.  I think they are adorbs!

I cannot wait to visit some of the other blogs over the next few days. I love babies dressed in the festive best and I look forward to seeing all the littles.

If you haven't already, be sure to go to this post and enter to win some Hello Mess Moccs and some cash!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a cutie!! And we actually had those same monogrammed jammies for my son for his first christmas. I loved them! And yes, I do get a big sad looking back at old pics. I wish the time would SLOOOW down with kiddos. I absolutely LOVE having them young..and cry whenever my daughter has to go back to school. I want them with me 24/7! lol

  2. Eek!! So cute! Love the monogrammed bottom pjs! Seeing your little one is making me miss the baby stage! Merry Christmas!

  3. So cute! I love that they put the name on the back. :) He is too cute for words!

  4. Awww, sheer adorableness! Babies in Christmas garb are the best. Soak it in and enjoy because when they are old enough to have an opinion about their clothes, it is not nearly as fun! I have had bishop dresses and bow ties shot down this year. Such is the march of time. Thanks for stopping in at the blog and Merry Christmas!

  5. those little jammies are so cute!! and look at big boy pulling up!!

  6. Oh how cute are those moose pjs and the little bottom ones!! So adorable! :)

  7. Such cute pjs! I love the ones with his name on the bottom, where did you get those? Stopping by from the link up!
