
Friday, October 31, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy Halloween Friday!!  Halloween, Friday, and a Pay Day?  Can't get any better than that. huh? 
Today I'm linking up with some of my favorite bloggers.  Feel free to join in.  Just talk about five things, any five things and link back to their blogs.  
1. This little dude is celebrating his First Halloween.  All his firsts are so exciting.  Maybe for me more than him, but that's okay.  He also decided to surprise me with rolling from his back to belly this morning.  Whoa!
2.  The House.  The house is now moving at a snails pace it seems.  I use to go by the house everyday because there was always a big change.  Right now the inside details are being done, i.e electrical.  We will be getting our first round of inspections on Monday and then the drywall will be going up.  We are also in the process of designing our cabinets.  Who knew there were that many shades of glaze to pick from.  Do I want a heavy or light glaze?  Decisions.

3.  We have a cold front coming in with possible snow.  What?  I love cold weather but I'm not sure if I'm ready for snow.  Give me Fall first.  But, this plaid scarf could warm any neck.

4.  Something like this will be happening next week.  Be on the lookout.

5.  Saved the best for last.  My family is coming into town this weekend!!  I am like a kid at Christmas.  They haven't seen Griffin since he was 2 weeks old. See that little cutie with her Mama?  That's my new niece, Norah, and I will finally get to get my hands on her.  I may not give her up.  Next week while they are here we will be celebrating a Baptism, Birthdays, and Christmas.  Be on the lookout next week because I may overload y'all with pictures.

That's it!  That's my five.  Be sure to link up with the ladies and share your five.  Happy Halloween!


  1. Love your beautiful blog! Your little one is too cute! It's my daughter's first Halloween and I'm so excited about it! Looking forward to reading more here!

  2. Thanks so much Keri. We've have exciting times coming for our Little's dont we?! How old is your daughter? Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Found you through the link up! It was our babe's first Halloween too, and yes, it made it so much more fun! Griffin is an absolute DOLL- so cute!!

  4. How wonderful is it to experience holidays through our children! I swear I can't imagine life with out my little. Stopping over from the blog hop!!!
