
Friday, June 26, 2015

Hello There, Friday

It's been a Hot minute since I did a Friday post, so lets hope right into things.

If you missed our exciting news, be sure to check out this post.  That's all I am going to say about that...for now.

BB is back.  Big Brother that is!  I am a huge fan of the show and I love seeing all the house guest interact.  I guess I enjoy being able to snoop in on other people's life.  Kind of like reading y'all posts everyday.  If you are an avid watcher of BB, who is your top guest so far?  I am liking Austin and James so far.  Jason is up there too, but someone I am not sure about is Meg.  She is a little too much for me.

I have been out with a bad back for about a week.  It is kept me laying down because sitting has just been too unbearable.  Thanks sciatic nerve!  Since I have been stuck at home, I binge watched Orange is the New Black.  It was a good season, but not as good as the first two.  I still enjoy the back stories on all the inmates.  I love seeing how they became what they are.

We are so close to getting our CO on the house.  We have had some things come up, like a busted water pipe and our roof leaking.  We have had some good rain lately too which just made the property so muddy it is hard to drive on.  Even with us getting our CO soon, we are still going to wait a few more weeks to move in.  We decided to go ahead and landscape and have the driveway paved.  I can not wait till everything is complete and we are finally in our Home.

I don't have anything for you!  Have a great weekend friends and be sure to link back with the ladies below! 

Stephanie, Laura, and Cait for Can't Live Without It
Lauren Elizabeth for High Five Friday
Jennie for Friday Favorites
Rebecca for That Friday Blog Hop
Leslie for Confessional Friday
Amy for Oh hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favorites

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Finding out about our growing family

Hey Friends!  I have missed you all so much.  I hope to do some catching up with y’all blog posts this coming weekend to see what y’all have been up to.
Let me first start off my saying Thank You so very much for all the congratulations on our surprising announcement.  The number of calls, texts, and, comments have been overwhelming and we appreciate them all!
I wanted to share on how I/we found out the news of our little miracle addition.
The day after Mother’s Day (May 11th) was a holiday at work so I had the day off and decided to spend it deep cleaning my house.  I sent Griffin on to daycare so I could get some things done.  After starting on the house I realized that I was out of some cleaning supplies so I made a trip to Target.
On my drive there, I just kept thinking how much I loved being pregnant with Griffin.  Sure I had some rough moments, but I felt in complete bliss knowing who I was carrying.  I started remember how awesome it was to feel those little kicks and jabs and how wonderful it has been having Griffin in our lives.
I started thinking about my early pregnancy symptoms with Griffin and the very first one was a sore chest.  I felt my chest and indeed they were. 
While at Target, I decided to pick up some pregnancy test because I keep usually keep those in my house and I knew I was out.
Now, the reason I always kept this on hand because I never have a regular cycle.  If you have been following with my for a while, you know that I have PCOS and had to see a fertility specialist in order to get pregnant with Griffin.  Well, after having Griffin, I asked my doctor if he could give me something to make my cycles “normal” without being on birth control.  Luke and I did not want to prevent pregnancy since we had a hard time the first go around. 
My OB prescribed me something that would start my cycles if I hadent had one in a certain amount of days.  I always took a test before starting the meds to double check that I wasn’t pregnant. 
After getting home from Target, I went directly and took the test.  I was completely in shock and it turned positive within seconds.  I was home alone and just got a positive pregnancy test.  We got pregnant on our own this time!  God's timing is always perfect.
I called my OB and set up an appointment to have my HCG tested and called someone with make Griffin a “Big Bro” onesie to put on him to tell Luke our exciting news.

I was able to get a video of Luke and his reaction was priceless.  He was shocked and so so thrilled. 
I was able to have my first OB appointment on June 9th and found out we were 9 weeks pregnant with a due date of January 12, 2016.  We know he/she will at least be born by January 5th since I will have a planned C-section.
As of now I am 11 weeks and we are looking forward to finding out of Baby Edwards is a boy or girl in the next 4-5 weeks.  I plan to do bump dates and keep track of this growing baby.
Thank you all again.  See you soon!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Coming Soon!!!

We are so excited to announce that Baby Edwards #2 will be here in January!!

I am really looking forward to my little Wild Bear becoming an older brother and having a new role in the family.
I promise to be back soon and do an update on our wonderful news!
Happy Monday!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'm Still Here!

Did you miss me?

I am still around and I have been reading all of your blogs while I was away.  I hope to get back to a normal schedule soon since I miss interacting with everyone.

Some Updates:
The house is still coming along and No, we are no in...yet.  We should be able to get our CO soon, but we still may wait to move in.  There are some things that we would of done after we moved in like screen in the back porch and pave the driveway, but I think we have decided to go ahead and do it since we aren't in any rush to move in.  Don't get me wrong, we would love to be moved in tomorrow, but we aren't in any rush to get out of our current house.

Life is still good.  Days have been packed and I finally got all the mounds of laundry completed.  The house is next on the list to clean, but part of me says just to wait until we move and do a deep clean once everything is moved out.  We shall see.

My mom has officially retired and she decided to celebrate by leaving me.  I kid...kinda.  She along with her twin sister and her husband are RVing it up on a cross country road trip.  She will be gone the entire month of June and into the first week of July.  I am ready for her to come home, and I know Griffin is.

Speaking of Griffin.  He has been getting 100% of our attention lately.  Which I love.  He is into EVERYTHING and is on the go 24/7.  I love that his teachers call him "busy". Ha!  I'd say so.  I will have a toddler update soon on my growing little dude.

Catch up with everyone later this week!!